Our local daily paper published a letter to the editor in reaction to the outcome of a trial of a child molester.
The piece was a screed against defense attorneys, basically consigning the profession to Dante's 9th Circle (well, assuming the author understands the allusion). I had to respond ...
Our court system is designed to find justice. That search depends on the prosecution adhering to rules of evidence to make sure that the guilty are punished and the innocent are freed. It's the duty of the defense lawyer to make sure the prosecution -- the government -- follows the rules.
We don't live in some third-world country where summary judgment is delivered at the end of a noose simply because someone is accused of a heinous crime. Nor is this the dark ages when a despot ruler could imprison or execute someone for no reason. We live in a country of laws. Under our system of justice, everyone is entitled to a vigorous and competent defense. Everyone. How else can justice be served?
By all accounts, Mr. Jacobsen's defense attorney did exactly what he was supposed to do ... and Mr. Jacobsen got exactly what he deserved.
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