This just in ...
The feds now require everyone who works a highway traffic accident to wear a reflective vest. The Texas Department of Public Safety has interpreted the "everyone" in this memorandum to mean "everyone."
As in, EMS workers, fire department personnel, first responders, and, yes, newspaper people.
Of course, most newspaper people are mavrickey (is this the new "truthiness?" Will Websters grant it legitimacy next year?) sorts and tend to resist unfunded mandates and efforts on the part of government to place any barrier between them and the news. So, some are resisting.
I understand their frustrations ... at the same time, I've kept a bright yellow vest and an orange poncho in my trunk for years. After all, if I'm gonna stand around a night time traffic accident, I want to take all the precautions I can so as not to get hurt myself.
One wag just asked how the DPS will enforce this new rule, since it's a federal, not state, mandate. Convince a U.S. Attorney to file charges? Not likely.
What is more likely is that DPS Troopers will less open than they already are and much more likely to refuse a reporters' access to highway traffic accident scenes, if that reporter isn't wearing a reflective vest. Officially, Troopers will likely be told to refuse to talk to reporters who don't wear the protective, reflective vests.
So, grouse all you want, guys ... just be prepared for the consequences.
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